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Study Manager - Africa Development
35000-55000元 凉山彝族自治州喜德县 应届毕业生 本科
五矿有色金属股份有限公司 2024-08-14 01:07:41
Study Manager - Africa Development
35000-55000元 凉山彝族自治州喜德县 应届毕业生 本科
五矿有色金属股份有限公司 2024-08-14 01:07:41
公司简介: 五矿资源有限公司(简称五矿资源,英文简称为MMG)成立于2009年,是世界知名的铜、锌矿生产商。五矿资源是中国五矿集团开发海外基本金属上游资源的旗舰平台公司,总部位于北京和澳大利亚墨尔本,在香港联交所上市,在北京设有总部办公室,旗下运营四座矿山,分别为秘鲁邦巴斯铜矿、刚果(金)金塞维尔铜钴矿、澳大利亚杜加尔河锌矿和罗斯伯里锌多金属矿。五矿资源以“开采美好未来”为愿景,是国际金属与矿业理事会(ICMM)成员单位,在高水平运营、安全环保与职业健康、企业社会责任、可持续发展等方面树立了行业典范。 Role Purpose: • Overall responsibility for the feasibility study of MMG’s mining development projects in DRC and Africa region 全面负责五矿资源在非洲的矿业发展项目可行性研究工作 Accountabilities/ Responsibilities: • Strategic Management: Formulate the Africa mining development strategy in line with the global resource development strategy of MMG; • Portfolio, Pipeline and Value Management: Identify MMG's portfolio of development opportunities in DRC and major mining countries in Africa, including the technical renovation of existing processing and metallurgy plant at Kinsevere, exploration around Kinsevere (within 50km, RAD50), risk exploration in the new area of DRC-Zambia copper-cobalt metallogenic belt, etc.; set up the entry, progression and exit channels and asset value management models for the development, and promote the sustainable development and value enhancement of mining business in Africa. • Establishment and maintenance of the research team: Establish and maintain a research team that has a good knowledge of African mining resource conditions and market environment, with profound understanding of international mining standards, geo-mining technologies, metallurgy technologies, and familiar with the Chinese mining engineering service market; • High-stage exploration project studies: lead the team to conduct research on RAD50 and other high-stage exploration projects (including Scoping, PFS, FS), prepare the research report on project development that meet JORC standards (or other similar industry standards), provide support and approval materials, continuously achieve and enhance the value of mining projects, and progress them through the cascade to implementation. • Government permit management: Based on the feasibility studies, prepare and submit feasibility study report, ESIA report (environmental and social development assessment report) in accordance with the law and requirements by the regulatory authorities where the project is located at (mainly DRC, and other major African mining countries including Zambia and South Africa), as well as obtain the mining licence and development permits from government regulatory authorities • M
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