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Senior Packaging Engineer_GS
面议 苏州吴中区 应届毕业生 学历不限
博世电动工具(中国)有限公司 2024-06-20 22:20:04
Senior Packaging Engineer_GS
面议 苏州吴中区 应届毕业生 学历不限
博世电动工具(中国)有限公司 2024-06-20 22:20:04
1. Packaging definition for raw material and finished goods, incl. packaging design, quotation, validation and internal release成品及原材料包装方案确定,包含: 新项目包装报价、包装设计、包装验证以及内部评审及放行等 2. Initiation and drive of improvement activities in packaging related area with plants, regional business partners incl. packaging design optimization, packaging material supply optimization, packaging quality monitoring and improvement发起并推动工厂、事业部的包装设计优化,包材供应优化以及包装质量监控和改进等 3. Responsible for analyzing packaging quality problems and providing professional solutions负责分析包装质量问题,并提供专业解决方案 4. Monitoring and definition of packaging standard executions in operations and initiation of corrective measures with plant and business unit partners定义包装相关标准并监督标准的执行。与工厂、事业部合作发起标准执行的相关改善行动 5. Maintaining of packaging related systems (SAP, Pack-MDM etc) 及时准确的维护包装相关系统数据(SAP, Pack-MDM etc) 6. Customer/supplier communication and complaint handling for packaging design related topics在所负责的区域内,包装相关问题的客户/供应商对接, 对客户投诉进行处理,跟进因为包装设计所导致的内部投诉 7. Involvement and participation in Packaging digitalization activities and projects积极参与包装数字化转型相关活动以及项目 8. Providing consultation and know-how for packaging design related topics to Bosch internal functions主动为博世相关工厂提供包装事宜的咨询服务,并根据需求可以为其他工厂的包装改善活动提供支持 9. Tracking, analyzing and implementation of new packaging solutions and insights from internal functions and external markets. 从内部或外部探寻新的包装科技、方法等并进行跟踪、分析和实施 职位要求: 1. Bachelor Degree,Master is a plus ,Major in Packaging engineering本科以上学历 ,硕士学位优先,包装工程相关专业 2. Above 5 years packaging related working experience 5年以上包装设计相关工作经验 3. Knowledge/theory about packaging material (corrugated board, wood, plastic, metal, etc) and design principle 具有较深的工业包装结构设计技能(包括对纸板,木材,塑料,金属等材料的熟练掌握) 4. Familiar with packaging rust prevention, packaging sustainable topics 熟悉包装防锈,以及包装可持续话题 5. Experience in packaging design for automated production lines 拥有为自动化生产线设计匹配包装的经验 6. Good level of CAD, Solid Works drawing programs 熟练使用绘图工具AutoCAD、Solid works 等 7. Basic Knowledge in Logistics 了解物流相关基础支持 8. Customer oriented thinking and good communication skills and PjM skills能够以客户为中心,具备优秀的沟通能力以及项目管理能力 9.Strong analytical thinking skills and sense of cost/benefit具备较强的统计分析能力以及成本意识 10. Eager to learn, initiative taker愿意学习,积极进取 11. No travel restrictions
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